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Stallone on the Set of John Rambo

This is Sly filming Rambo 4. Oddly enough, Sylvester is starting to look very much like someone else I've seen...

Oh yeah, I remember now! Jackie Stallone.

Based on the above picture, you'd never guess that Jackie Stallone was 85 years old.

Her bloated face doesn't look a day over 3 weeks dead. Kudos need to be given to her visually impaired plastic surgeons.

Hommage à la "mère à Stallone"

Oui, Hommage, car cette dame fait venir plein de gens ici apparemment*, et si je me fie aux statistiques du blog, c'est une recherche majoritaire et capitale pour énormément de personnes.
*Cf mon article sur Expendables, où elle apparait.

J'hallucine mais je m'incline, vous voulez de la "mère à Stallone" ? Vous allez en avoir !

Alors voilà, j'ai donc décidé de la remercier de ma popularité si méritée nouvelle, en en disant un peu plus sur elle.

Déjà son nom, c'est
Jackie Stallone.
(Pask'on cherche la "mère à Stallone" sur Gougueule, mais on fait moins les malins quand il s'agit de donner son blaze, hein ?)

Née Jacqueline France Labofish (poisson de laboratoire ? ça expliquerai son physique, devenu disons, particulier ?) le 29 novembre 1921, (ah oui quand même...) est surtout connue pour être la mère de l'acteur Sylvester Stallone et du chanteur Frank Stallone.
Elle était pas mal, plus jeune, avant de passer du Côté Obscur De La Force Chirurgicale :

Malheureusement, ainsi que je le disais dans mon précédent article sur lui, son fils Sylvester lui a emboité le pas dans ses délires à la Brazil. Sur la photo qui suit, il est encore pas mal, c'est vous dire :

Petite photo de la famille de Jackie, 2 fils quand même !
(Elle a aussi une fille, Toni)

On voit bien qu'ils sont sur le même modèle, et d'ailleurs le modèle c'est l'ex-mari de Jackie, Franck Stallone Senior, un sacré chaud lapin qui s'est marié 4 fois.

C'est sûr que si on compare la photo de sa femme actuelle à Jackie...
Ben, on peut pas comparer justement. Ou pas encore.

Alors à part être l'ex-femme de, la mère de, que fait Jackie dans la vie ?
Et bien, elle... est astrologue et pygomancienne !

Alors pygomancienne, (rumpologist en anglais d'Amérique), c'est en fait quelqu'un qui lit l'avenir sur les ligne des fesses des gens !
"Car les replis et crevasses de votre postérieur révèlent votre personnalité, votre avenir et votre chance en amour, l'Inde antique et Babylone pratiquaient déjà cet art exigeant" dit-elle.
(Sérieux !!)
Elle clame aussi qu'elle peut communiquer avec des chiens pour révéler le futur.
Enfin, elle s'occupe également de produits de beauté, genre masques et crèmes pour peaux à problèmes !!!
En effet :

(Moi sur cette photo j'ai aussi pas mal halluciné sur les boucles d'oreilles, plus bling bling tu meurs !)

Celebrities With Their Moms

Tom Cruise and his mother Mary Lee

Matt Damon and his mother, Nancy Carlsson-Paige

Brad Pitt and his mother, Jane Etta

Antonio Banderas and Ana Bandera
Johnny Depp and his mother, Betty Sue Palmer

Orlando Bloom and his mother, Sonia Constance Josephine Copeland

David Beckham and his mother, Sandra Georgina West

Keanu Reeves and his mother, Patricia Bond

Pierce Brosnan and his mother, May Smith

Sylvester Stallone and his mother, Jackie Stallone

Jake Gyllenhaal and his mother, Naomi Foner

Robbie Williams and his mother, Jan Williams

Ewan McGregor and his mother, Carol Diane

Jackie Stallone called, she wants her coat back...

Oh Lindsay Lohan, you looked so lovely in Mean Girls. No, really, I actually got a bit of ginger envy. Now.... Words fail me. But aside from the face, that coat is a huge crime. In her Xanax-and-Red-Bull-induced haze, she probably thought that it was the epitome of Marilyn Monroe. And maybe, just maybe, it would have been on the right person. (I have my doubts). On Lohan, it's a mixture between Jim Henson nightmare and old lady.

Jackie Stallone Predicts Helen Thomas Needs Makeover

The world's premiere psychic, astrologist, and rumpologist--Jackie Stallone--predicts that retired White House reporter Helen Thomas "really" needs a makeover.

"Get with it, Helen," Jackie confides.  "The Witchiepoo look ain't working.  Glamour is a gal's best friend.  Look at me.  Let's chop off at least half of that nose.  Nip and tuck the jowls.  Give the clown makeup back to Bozo.  And a comb would be nice.  Old can be hot if you work it right."


"Jackie Stallone will never be mistaken for Jackie Kennedy, maybe Edgar Kennedy," shot back Thomas.  "I should take beauty advice from her?  Look in the mirror, if you have one that isn't cracked.  Who redid your lips?  Goodyear?  Stick to rumpology, whatever the hell that is.  I look cute."


"Look, Pickle-Puss, don't start in with me," Jackie cracked.  "I'll send Sly and Frank over to beat your pruney ass."

                                      Jackie also predicts there will be an "Expendables 3"

Jackie Stallone, de 90 años, estrena labios en la premiere de «Los mercenarios 2»

Jackie Stallone (21 de noviembre de 1921) es la flamante madre del actor Sylvester Stallone. Tiene 90 años y ha pasado de ser una completa desconocida entre el público estadounidense para convertirse en uno de los rostros más peculiares del panorama social. Y motivos no le faltan.

La nonagenaria decidió asistir al preestreno hollywoodiense de «Los mercenarios 2», la película que protagoniza «Sly» junto a Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Liam Hemsworth, Jean-Claude Van Damme y Bruce Willis. No hay duda de que, con este elenco de actores, no hacían falta aspavientos o golpes de efectos para promocionar el filme. Pero la matriarca de los Stallone dejó a los allí presentes estupefactos ante la prominencia de sus labios operados. Toda una transgresión para una mujer de su edad.


Jackie Stallone, who happens to be the mother of the popular Hollywood actor Sylvester Stallone, and popular singer Frank Stallone, is still trying her best to look elegant and current after 90 years.
The American astrologer, promoter of women's wrestling and former dancer, was seen last night at Los Angeles where she attended the premiere of her son's latest movie 'The Expendables 2'.



             Sylvester Stallone                               Frank Stallone
What you think of her looks?. As for me, I think she looks fabulous. hehe.

Stallone's for ever

Je devrais me faire payer par la Stallone family je pense.

surtout par elle en fait :

Ca me fait marrer ce décalage entre ma vie et la leur et le fait que mon blog soit le point commun :)

Stallone Beats Mud-Wrestling Obamas and Romneys

Obama Now News today announced that its recent article on Jackie Stallone beat its article on the Obama vs. Romney mud-wrestling bout, becoming the most popular piece in the blog's history.

"Major props to Jackie Stallone," said Andre Higgins-McMickens, the blog's editor-in-chief.  "Jackie zoomed past mud-wrestling in pageviews in record time.  The lady is not to be messed with.  Jackie's the Rocky of the blogosphere."

"Of course I'm on top," crowed Jackie in victory.  "I predicted it, and I'm never taking a backseat to those scrawny Obama girls rolling around in the mud with the Mormons.  People want to read about me.  I'm ninety and hotter than ever.  Look out, internet.  Jackie's kicking ass and taking names."

Higgins-McMickens then helped Jackie down the stairs while promising additional coverage to feed the public's insatiable hunger for more about this dazzling star.

Jackie Stallone

Not such a natural look: Jackie Stallone at the LA premiere of The Expendables 2
Her striking, if not a little odd, appearance rekindled speculation that the secret of her eternal youth is not entirely natural. You don’t see many 90-year-old grans tottering around in a miniskirt and high heels.
But then again there aren’t many about quite like Sylvester Stallone’s age defying mum Jackie.

Taking on a life of their own: Jackie's crooked grin appears to have had a fresh bout of collagen injections  Taking on a life of their own: Jackie's crooked grin appears to have had a fresh bout of collagen injections
And if she was trying to turn heads as she showed off her leggy outfit and plunging neckline on the red carpet, the amazing Mrs S certainly succeeded.
She stunned onlookers as she turned up for the Los Angeles premiere of her son’s latest movie, The Expendables 2.
Family affair: Sylvester Stallone was joined by wife Jennifer Flavin and their three daughters, from left Scarlet, Sophia and Sistine 

She certainly turned heads on the red carpet

Jackie Stallone
Jackie Stallone
Jackie Stallone - Jackie Stallone leaves Big Brother
Jackie Stallone - Jackie Stallone leaves Big Brother